Young loses 80 kg, out of morbid obesity and earns miss tracks in RS

Postado por , no dia 10 de fevereiro de 2018 em Sem categoria

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Anyone looking at the nine beauty contest tracks won by Sabrina Sgarbi, 24, can not imagine how the slender-bodied blonde was a few years ago. Morada de  Marau , in the North Region of Rio Grande do Sul, the young woman weighed 140 kg, suffered from morbid obesity and had difficulties even walking. After undergoing bariatric surgery in 2012 and reworking the food, she lost 80 kg and went straight to the catwalks to show her transformation.

With 1.70 high, Sabrina is an example to many people who want to change their lives. Created a channel of videos on Youtube that gives tips on healthy routine and how to increase self-esteem. In nearly three years, she had over 1.7 million hits. However, more than just talk about change, the gaucho shows proud to have transformed the prospects he had for the future. Their motto? Acceptance.

“I’m not ashamed of who I am, to show it all. Post pictures of bikini show where I have left over skins that are left of the time I was overweight. Of course, for within me I had another Sabrina 80kg, and she left, but left me an inheritance. Skins, scars and certain stretch marks. But that’s the strength I step to everyone, and people end up clinging to me, “she says proudly.

The battle is not easy, she admits. It requires effort and determination, but you can be exceeded. Sabrina began to put on weight when he was 15. Thyroid problems and excessive consumption of drugs have contributed to weight gain. When he realized, he was 21 and weighed 110 kg. still it increased another 30 kg to go for surgery, which began its process of change.

The choice of surgical procedure was so striking that every year it commemorates the date on which it operated: November 11, 2012. It is a second birthday because it considers to have been “born again.” Sabrina, however, points out that it takes more than surgery. To lose 80 kg added to the routine practice of hiking and a diet that excludes excess carbohydrates, ready snacks and soft drinks.

“Before, I did not feed me right. I was already tired of dieting and not give result. I was in obesity stage where I could not get around me. It was bad up and down stairs. That’s when I told my mother I would do the surgery, “she recalls. “The surgery gave me an opportunity, but I lost weight because I changed. Today, as right as the right, “he says.

To reach the ideal power considered, Sabrina was assisted by professionals from psychologist to nutritionist. In the early period after surgery, only liquids were allowed, then evolving to soft foods.

Currently, she makes up with her best friend and nutritionist Cristiane Scortegagna, responsible for monthly assessments of the patient’s body. Meals are back to normal, but we must be careful with the types of food eaten. Mainly because Sabrina is vegetarian.

“It’s a normal diet, but balanced and in portions. Who did bariatric need to control, mainly the consumption of carbohydrates and sweets. If you overdo it, it gets sick. So breads, pasta, have to avoid, “explains Cristiane. “She’s fantastic, very dedicated. As a vegetarian, we try to replace meat with other foods. It soybean meat and iron-rich foods such as cabbage. also put spinach, broccoli. ”

Conquest of titles
Two years after the surgery, Sabrina set out to win beauty pageants. Its first dispute was in June of the last year, when it competed and it gained the title of Italian Queen of Marau. In a few months, she added another eight tracks: Beauty Tourism RS, Beauty Tourism Marau, International Beauty, Miss RS Model World, Vice Miss Brazil Model World, Miss Universe RS World, Miss Marau and Musa Gaúcha.

The girl does not want to stop there. Since winning for the first time, he has received calls to participate in other contests. Choose the ones you believe to have the right profile and move on. Always, as you would emphasize, proud to be a competitor who has overcome obesity.

“If someone came to me a few years ago and talked I’d win the title dreamed Beauty Tourism, I would not believe. So I think as important my job to make the videos and lecture “he says. “Of course there are all the competitions that we can participate. For example, when a bikini parade, do not think the ideal. Because I still have the skin left on my stomach, and also do not intend to take, “he says.

Sabrina new rule procedures. In April, she had surgery on her breasts to lift them and put silicone implants, but it ensures that is the one. Moreover, you want to keep as won with his effort.

bride of a businessman who met 11 years ago and followed the entire process gain and weight loss, Sabrina plans to marry. Not yet know the date, but no time to think. Are you sure that the coming years include projects on its transformation.

In addition to the videos posted, Sabrina travels the state to give lectures on the subject. It is engaged, including the company that made your bariatric surgery. Now think of writing a book and wants, above all, help those who want to lose weight.

“The change of habits must be eternal,” she warns.

To be eternal, however, we need a first step, which was given by Sabrina for three years. Today, only 60 kg appearing on the scale are clear: to go from morbid obesity to beauty pageants, determination, self-esteem and care may be enough.

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