Snicker Brownie Ice Cream Cake

Postado por , no dia 07 de fevereiro de 2018 em Sem categoria

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Snicker brownie ice cream cake is the perfect way to enjoy a snicker lover’s birthday. And that is just what we did. I made this amazing cake for my husband who loves snickers, chocolate and brownies. What else could one ask for? It turned out perfect. You only need a very small piece and so you might just want to invite a few friends over to help you eat it. Yum, or you can just eat most of it yourself. I thought it was fantastic and I am not the big snicker fan in this house. I am the Reese’s lover. But I must say that this was fantastic. It was very easy to make and it came together fairly quickly. And if you are not a big snicker fan, you could change the recipe and instead of adding snickers, you could add any kind of candy bar that you like. Some examples would be Twix or even Reese’s. Let your imagination run wild with this one! However, just look at this good looking cake. I would say that my husband is a lot spoiled! Wouldn’t you agree?

Snicker Brownie Ice Cream Cake


We did have some left over since one of my son’s moved and another son is off with a couple of his friends on a cruise. I think that I would have like to have gone with the one on a cruise because the weather has been very gray today. We are having some inversion and we haven’t had a lot of snow this year. It has been a very dry year and I am hoping and praying that we will all get some snow, at least in the mountains, real soon.  I will even shovel some around my house if we could get some.

So for my husbands birthday, we decided to go to the movie. We went and saw ” The Greatest Showman”. It was very well done and I enjoyed it very much. It was outstanding and I always like a show that has a happy ending. I think that the one thing that I learned from it, is to keep trying, never give up. When the world turns against you, you’ve just got to keep trying. I loved spending time with a few of my kids and I truly enjoyed the message. Dream big! Have a wonderful week and enjoy a slice of Snicker Brownie Ice Cream Cake!

Snicker Brownie Ice Cream Cake
Author: Amy
Recipe type: Cake
Prep time:  
Cook time:  
Total time:  
Serves: 16 people
  • 1 (18.4 ounce) box brownies (made in two 8″ round pans)
  • ½ box (1.5 quarts) vanilla ice cream, softened
  • 1 (8 ounce) cream cheese, softened
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1¼ cups peanut butter
  • 1 cup cream (whipped)
  • 1 cup caramel flavored topping
  • 1 cup chocolate syrup
  • 1 (11.5 ounce) bag snickers minis, chopped
  1. Make brownies according to the directions. Bake according to the box. I used two 8″ round pans that are greased and floured so that the brownies come out easily.
  2. Cool the brownies completely.
  3. Chop the snicker minis so that they will be ready to place on the cake.
  4. In a mixing bowl, whip the cream.
  5. Add the sugar and the peanut butter, mix gently.
  6. Then add the cream cheese.
  7. Then add the ice cream. Mix on low until well blended. Set aside.
  8. Then in a 9″ spring form pan place one of the pans of brownies.
  9. Then drizzle with ⅓ or so of the caramel, and ⅓ of the chocolate, then ⅓ of the chopped snickers.
  10. Then use ½ of the ice cream mixture and spread over the snickers.
  11. Repeat the layers, brownies, topping and ice cream mixture.
  12. Top with the remaining snickers and toppings.
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