S’mores Camping Cake

Postado por , no dia 08 de fevereiro de 2018 em Sem categoria

Modo de Preparo

  1. Arrange the pirouettes around the outside of the cake, pressing them into the frosting. Loop the twine around the cake and tie a bow. Remember to remove the twine before serving the cake.
  2. Set aside 1/4 cup of the butter cream and tint the rest green. Place the green frosting into a pastry bag with a small round tip (#233) or place in a plastic bag and cut a small hole in one corner. Pipe grass over the top of the cake but leave a small circle of exposed chocolate frosting for the fire pit.
  3. Top of Camping Cake
  4. Cut the fruit roll to be as long as the graham cracker is wide. This will be a sleeping bag inside the tent. Lay the fruit roll piece on the grass where you want the tent to go. Cut the large marshmallow in half and put one half on the end of the fruit roll up as a pillow.
  5. Add cocoa powder to the remaining buttercream. Carefully tent the graham crackers over the sleeping bag and pipe a thin line of chocolate frosting at the top to hold them together.
  6. Arrange candy rocks around the fire pit and use broken pirouette cookies as logs in the fire pit.
  7. To make the fire. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Break red and yellow hard candies into small pieces. (put in a plastic bag and smash with a rolling pin). Arrange the candy pieces on the parchment paper to look like flames. Put in a 275°F oven for 10 minutes until the candies melt together. Allow the candy to harden and then peel away the parchment paper. Arrange the candy fire in the fire pit just before serving. If you place the fire in the fire pit too early, the moisture from the cake will melt the fire.
  • Ingredients
  • I round chocolate layer cake with chocolate frosting (8 inches in diameter)
  • 1 can chocolate hazelnut pirouettes
  • ½ batch of butter cream frosting
  • green food coloring
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • 2 graham crackers
  • 1 large marshmallow
  • 1 roll fruit by the foot - green
  • candy rocks
  • Red and yellow hard candies (life savers)
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